Treatment of musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder with acupuncture - Part 1
This online course offers an in-depth look at the anatomy, structure, function, disorders and treatment of the shoulder. A database of videos are provided for clinical reference which provides participants a comprehensive understanding for treating the shoulder with acupuncture.
course outcomes
Course Outcomes
After having completed this course, participants will gain:
a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy of the shoulder
an understanding of how to needle all of the main muscles associated with the shoulder joint
an understanding of the clinical examinations that may help develop a
differential diagnosis prior to referral
an understanding of various clinical pathologies of the shoulder and how
to treat these with acupuncture when presented with an existing diagnosis
Current available content:
Comprehensive overview of the anatomy of the shoulder
How to effectively and safely needle:
Biceps Brachii
Pectoralis Major & Minor
Teres Major
Triceps Brachii
This course is currently under construction with more content added soon.
***This course content is advised to be applied to clinical practice only by registered acupuncturists or students and practitioners with a level of skills competency required to perform these needling techniques. For practitioners and students of all other modalities, this information is considered for general educational purposes only.***